Greg Leblanc
Current Hometown: Pierre Part
Leblanc is from Grand Bayou and, as he says, “In fact I never really left Grand Bayou you could say because my mother and father still lived there until they were displaced.”
All my life was hunting and fishing. I’ve always been there, I’ve always hunted and fished in the area.
A lot of favorite memories. My mama and daddy actually picked turtle eggs and hatched them and caught little turtles on the water. We did all the things that could be done — fishing truck lines, hunting, catching frogs, things like that.
I see it now, the habit that we have lost in the last 50 years. What the landscape was before and now, how it’s just eroding rapidly. I’m still there on a weekly basis especially during hunting season, so I get to see first hand how rapidly we are losing ground.
I still pick turtle eggs with my grandkids. Ever since they were two and three years old I still picked a few turtle eggs and hatched them and showed them how they did things in the olden days.
I still pick turtle eggs with my grandkids. Ever since they were two and three years old I still picked a few turtle eggs and hatched them and showed them how they did things in the olden days.