Joey Dupre

Current Hometown: Belle Rose
Dupre grew up in Grand Bayou and lived there for more than 20 yeras.
Probably fishing because the bayou was 100 foot from our house. We had that, and we had a little pond, which was a 200-300 yard walk from there, so we fished a lot as kids.
That’s hard to say, I guess when we used to fish after a really big rain there’d be a lot of catfish, we’d catch a lot of catfish right there 100 feet from our house. We’d catch enough to, you know, have a big meal and stuff. That was probably my favorite thing.
Just the people mostly, because a lot of them were relatives. Basically it was such a small area, that we knew everybody, you know, we just knew everybody, all the family and everything. It’s kind of like one big family. When I was there, I think we might’ve had 100 people, so I mean there were no strangers in town, we knew everybody. So that’s probably what I’d miss the most.
No, not really I don’t think so. That’s pretty much all lost I think. Maybe just being from a small town, you tend to be more friendly, I guess, on average, you know, when you first meet people. That might be a hold-over maybe.
We used to fish after a really big rain there’d be a lot of catfish, we’d catch a lot of catfish right there 100 feet from our house. We’d catch enough to, you know, have a big meal and stuff.