Rodney “The Rock” Guillot
One of the Rousseau family’s star athletes was Rodney “The Rock” John Guillot, who was an offensive lineman for LSU’s Fighting Tigers from 1960-1962.
Rodney was born in 1940 to Douville “D.L.” Guillot and Elda “Sis” Rousseau Guillot, one of Adele and Marcellin Rousseau’s daughters. He was born in Plattenville, about 7 miles from Grand Bayou, and had three sisters: Toby, Ginger and Stephanie. Eventually moving to Baton Rouge, he was a standout athlete at Redemptorist High School in Baton Rouge and then at LSU. At LSU, the 6’1, 214-lb #72 was named an LSU Football All-time Letterwinner. He later went on to earn a master’s degree in electrical engineering from LSU. He married his 8th-grade sweetheart, Mary Comeaux, and had one daughter.
Rodney is one of the Rousseau descendants who passed during Garde Voir Ci’s coverage of the community in January 24, 2020 at 79.