The Great Storm Timeline

Isle Dernière’s


Friday, August 8
2 Days Before
High waves and higer than usual tides.
Saturday, August 9
1 Day Before
Marshes around the island were submerged, animals were unsettled and The Star had difficulty sailing down the Atchafalaya through Four League Bay into Caillou Bay.
Sunday, August 10
Storm Day
The Star, having difficulty navigating, continued to the island to help those they could.
Sunday, August 10
4 pm
Storm Day
The winds shifted and the waves battered the drowning island throughout the night.
Monday, August 11
1 Day After
Nothing was left on the island.
Tuesday, August 12
2 Days After
  • Last Island Hurricane dissipated over southwestern Mississippi
  • Figured no one on mainland knew survivors were stranded
  • Resort guest, John Davis set out on a sailboat to the mainland
  • Davis arrived the Brashear City Hotel before dawn reporting that Last Island had been swept away by a storm
  • Help dispatched in all directions to announce calamity & crippled conditions of survivors
Wednesday, August 13
3 Days After
Help arrived from Brashear City (Morgan City)
Wednesday, August 20
10 Days After

Pirates looted valuables.

click to the right for a full, detailed timeline of the Great Storm of 1856