Matthew Beauty

Houma, Louisiana
Favorite Youth Activity/Spot
“My favorite activity would probably have to be being in boy scouts when I was younger. We got to do a bunch of lock-ins. We got to go to a Zepher’s game, we went to Black Star Ranch, and then we got to at the end of the year camping, in Pinecone Mississippi. And that was kinda the big hoorah of the boy scouts because there you did BB shooting, archery, and you also did rifle shooting as well. And we did canoeing and fishing. And that was the highlight of being a camper of boy scouts.”
Favorite Youth Memory
“My favorite memory would probably have to be going to the dollar movie theater they had inside the mall and also after we went to the movie theater, we also went to the Chick-fil-A that was in the mall as well, it was really popular.”
Boy Scouts
Profile by Alayna Yarwood