Thibodaux, Louisiana
Workers in the Bayou Region of Louisiana can be described with one word: innovative.
“When people say Cajun ingenuity, it’s truly a thing that people don’t quite understand,” says Cody Blanchard, chairman of the Thibodaux Chamber of Commerce. “It means that we find solutions for things. For example, we are experts at building levees because we had to learn to live with the land.”
In South Louisiana, we work with what’s available. Our location gives access to waterways and natural resources that allow us to diversify our job market.
The fall 2017 issue of Garde Voir Ci focuses on the aspects of our work that set us apart from other areas of the country. We work from the “ground up,” literally and figuratively – from life offshore to the sugarcane fields to family-owned and operated businesses. We are working to power, feed and inspire.