freshman culinary major

Boston Manci

Favorite AI Tools

ChatGpt sometimes and I use snapchat AI.
How do you think AI can enhance the learning experience in education?
Well, personally I think it’ll help because I asked AI some of my math questions and it gives me in-depth responses on how I can find the answer. So I really just use it to help me with math.
Are you aware of any AI research that may be conducted at university in your department?
Not in my department. 
I think it could probably help. Somehow cooking AI helps everything in life. It makes it simpler. I feel like there shouldn’t be as many restrictions on AI as there are at this university.
Would you consider pursuing a career in AI?
Yeah, as long as they don’t try to restrict it, I think it’ll be good. It’s a nice helping tool. 
It can help everybody in every way. I mean, there’s negatives to everything in life, but as long as you find the positives, there’s going to be some good that comes from it.